Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Officially Kicked Out of the Nest

As most/all of you know I am an only child and with this come the privilege of my parents letting me slide by on a few things. Over the past 3 three weeks there have been many events that made me realize my parents are officially kicking me out of the nest.
1) My dad informed me that my Jeep needs new tires. My response was, “Ok, dad, when would you like for me to bring you the jeep so I get new tires.” His response, “Discount Tire will usually run an ad in the Sunday paper…”
2) “Robin, you car insurance will expire on April 29th. Here is the number to call if you would like to take out another plan with our insurance company or you can choose to use the same insurance Ken has.”
3) “Now that you and Ken have bought a house you need to get your engagement ring insured under you own home owner’s policy.” Really? They couldn’t have let this one slide for at least one more year….
4) This is the biggest one of all, Ken and I show up at my parents’ house for Mother’s Day only to find the hallway full of boxes and every dress, formal, costume and more that I have ever worn laying out ready for me to take.

Things I have learned form this experience:
1) Just because dad says you need new tires you can still drive on them until the oil change guy recommends you get new tires.
2) Fiancés come in right where dad leaves off with car and home owner’s insurance.
3) I will never let my child keep as much crap as my parents let me keep.


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